Crimson Noel ……

Crimson Noel ……


Inshan Rahman: School Publications Captian, Class 12, KV No 1, Hindon Air Force Campus, Ghaziabad. 











For over sixteen hundred years,

Christmas—a festival of glee and cheer.


Bethlehem, where once a joyous vagitus rang,

Now trembles with the cries of babes,

Grizzling in fear, lost in the dark.

Merry Xmas

Pain and blood stain the sacred ground,

A constant threat to life, blind to borders and beliefs.

Violence rages, innocence bleeds—

A scar that mars humanity’s face.


Prayers rise, seeking a twist of fate,

For Jesus to bless all,

To end the madness,

To cast a spell of protection,

And cradle the world in peace.


Let the new year bloom with hope,

A season of healing,

A time for new beginnings.




Insha Rahman

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